November 24, 2021 2 min read
Periods can serve as a biological marker of general health in females. This is why questions about the menstrual cycle often crop up in general check-ups. Aside from the frequency or regularity of periods, even the texture of period blood can tell us something about the state of our health.
If you’ve ever wondered if your period blood consistency is too thick or too runny, illum is here to help settle the score with this infographic. Keep reading to learn more about what your period blood consistency could be telling you!
Although period blood is generally thicker because it contains shed uterine lining and mucus, it can also be watery at some stages. This happens during the first or last days of a person’s period and it’s completely normal.
In other cases, however, watery period blood may have an underlying cause, especially if it occurs beyond the first and last days of menstruation. Some of the possible underlying causes include:
During the middle phase of the period, it’s perfectly normal to see period blood that forms thick, slippery strands. The reason why it becomes stringy is because of the uterine lining and mucus it contains.
Period blood consistency can transition from string-like to jelly-like during the middle of a person’s menstruation. It usually becomes jelly-like because of clots. Blood clots that reach the size of up to a quarter are completely normal.
However, if the period blood is too clumpy or has too many large clots, it could signal the following conditions:
This is merely a guide to help you have a better understanding of period blood consistency. Because self-diagnosis and self-treatment are generally not advisable, remember to consult your doctor if you notice anything strange with your period blood consistency.
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