November 04, 2021 5 min read
Yoga is always a good idea. Practicing this ancient exercise can gently improve posture, increase strength, ease arthritis, manage weight, and so much more. But did you know that even period symptoms can be alleviated by yoga?
So unroll your yoga mats, don your most comfortable workout attire, and put on your leakproof period undies – because today, we’re discussing period yoga, a type of exercise that’s perfect for you during your red days. We’ll also cover a few of the fundamental poses that you need to know in order to fully take advantage of its effects.
Let’s get started!
The classic definition of yoga is that it is a spiritual discipline that aims to bring harmony to the mind and body. Some may also define yoga as a type of exercise involving a set of positions that help increase strength, improve flexibility, and stabilize one’s breathing.
Now that we have a grasp of what yoga is, what exactly is period yoga? Essentially, period yoga is the collection of poses that are most beneficial for people who are menstruating. Conversely, there are also a number of yoga poses that are not recommended if you are on your period.
Many experts agree that exercising during one’s period is healthy because proper physical activity has the ability to do the following:
Yoga can give all of the above benefits and more. However, exercising during one’s period can be tough because of mood swings, aches, and fatigue – we get it. The best part about period yoga is that it’s gentle and relaxing and can help anyone to get over the aforementioned hurdles easily.
Furthermore, the positions (or asanas) in period yoga helps to soothe the body in a more targeted manner.
Grand Master Akshar, through TimesNowNews.com, lists the following as poses (or asanas) to avoid during your period:
Most of these yoga poses are relatively strenuous and/or cause the body to be inverted. Therefore, they must be avoided during one’s period. Although many yoga practitioners abide by this guideline, others opt to listen to their bodies instead. Ultimately, the choice is yours – but as we always say: when in doubt about health concerns, ask your doctor.
This asana opens the hips and pelvic region, stretching the knees, thighs, and groin muscles in the process.
The Dandasana pose helps to stretch and relieve your chest, shoulders, and back muscles.
Try out the child’s pose to relieve fatigue, give a good stretch for the spine, and stimulate digestion.
This asana helps to keep the core strong. It is also said to ease anxiety, reduce constipation, and regulate the menstrual cycle.
The Marjaryasana provides a good stretch for the spine, alleviating back pain and keeping the core strong.
The cobra pose helps strengthen back muscles and open up the chest. Thus, it helps to relieve back pain further.
If you’re looking to stretch the upper back and neck while opening up the chest and shoulders, then try out the fish pose.
Use this asana to relax at the end of your period yoga session.
Don’t forget to officially end your period yoga by saying “namaste”! It’s the perfect way to salute yourself for a wonderful session of period yoga.
And that wraps up our deep dive into the world of period yoga! These helpful pointers that we covered regarding period yoga will surely empower you to ease cramps and other period-related symptoms.
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